It has been a while, June actually since I wrote a thought here. I had to give it a break. I realized I was spending way too much time on my computer, and not enough time on other more important things. But if I am totally honest, I missed it. I missed sharing a thought, receiving an encouraging word back. I missed that sounding block that all us busy moms need. So here I am...
As always I am a proud mom. So nothing has really changed in my life, but boy does it change every day in my children's. My son won't quit growing, and I am so proud of the young man he is becoming. He has a great big heart when he can find it. Hee! Hee! i have to give him a break, he is 14. What 14 year old does any one know that doesn't act stupid, say crazy things and you sit back and wonder if you will survive. And then you get around his friends and realize that he is pretty special, because it could be so much worse. :)
And then there is my daughter who simply amazes me daily. Oh believe me, she is not perfect and there are days we go around and around, but some days she simply amazes the fire out of me. I feel it to the core that God has something special in mind for her. As i was praying the other day, I told him that I knew, could feel it and probably knew that somewhere along the way, I might not even like it, but I know without a doubt he has a plan for my baby girl.
As for the rest of the family... I still work daily with babies that I love and my hubby is still going strong in ministry. We are simply trying to still serve the Lord daily, while keeping afloat in this busy, crazy world we live in.
"The Lord my God is mighty to save. He will take great delight in me, He will quiet me with his love..." Zephaniah 3:17
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Summer Glances...
Summer is a CRAZY, BUSY time for us. Being married to a student minister, means our summer is crammed full of great adventures. As a working mom, however, I sadly don't get to go on every journey taken, but I am ALWAYS involved in the preparation. ALWAYS. Which means that even if I don't tag along, I am busy packing and planning in between work hours. CRAZY!!!
What is even more crazy and surreal for me is that I have TWO teenagers now, that get to tag along with daddy everywhere. Where does the time go? We were cleaning out Kayla's closet the other day and ran across her keepsake box. I just asked my hubby if I could cry. There were her little dresses, her old Minnie mouse doll, her first Bible... Now she is a teenager. Where is the tissue? I couldn't even go near Jordan's box after that. He is my baby. YUCK!!! Don't even want to dwell on it anymore.
Anyhoo, I know I haven't been around bloggy world as much as I once was. I think I realized I was spending way too much time on the computer. But I have missed all my bloggy friends and look forward to trying to catch up when the family is off on some of those great big adventures. :)
My job has also kept me busy. A lot of changes. Some people fired. Some quit. New boss. A new adventure in it's self. It has been a little stressful the last few months, but things are looking up and I know that through it all, God has a plan. I probably would have been gone a long time ago, but God kept telling me to stay. Sometimes ministry overrules low pay and stress. Sometimes you have to wade through the YUCK, put our happy pants on and move on. I have learned a lot about myself the last few months. Some things I like, some things I need to work on. I have also learned a lot more about my Savior, and HE doesn't need to change a thing!!! He is GOOD all the time!
And on that note I will leave you with these fun pictures. These kiddos always know how to make their mom smile. Love them!!!
Hope you are having a BLESSED week, rich with His amazing grace...
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Piano gal...
Kayla recently had her piano recital. She did great. She also looked cute, having just got a new haircut. We are very proud of her and the talents God gave her.
I love this girl and thank God for her every day. Oh, how they grow up too fast...
Thursday, May 17, 2012
I guess you might have wondered where I have been. I am still here, plugging along, but the last month has not been an easy one for me. I still feel like some days I am teetering on the edge, but at the same time I feel the Lord's hands holding me firmly. God is good. And I am still a "glass is half full" kind of gal. I realize that my troubles to many may seem small and insignificant, compared to many things I could be going through...nevertheless, this is where I am today.
My health has not been what it should lately. I have literally felt tired and run down. I finally went to the doctor. Now I was told what I already know, I am the allergy QUEEN, and part of my problem will always be traced back to them darn allergens. But blood work was done and it was discovered that I do have a little issue with my thyroid. So I have spent the last few weeks getting use to my meds. I do feel better, but since I was run down for a while, it is taking me a little bit to get back into the swing of things.
In case anyone is wondering, I am still gluten free. I feel better and better, tummy wise, everyday. I have even lost a few pounds because of it. It takes willpower and patience. Reading labels is not fun. Avoiding favorite foods is not fun. Going out to eat is no longer enjoyable...of course I don't know if I ever really enjoyed it before. I always had to worry where the closest bathroom was. I still search them out, but mainly because my tummy can tell when my food has had gluten in it. The other plus, is I was commenting to my hubby, just last night, that every spring and fall I usually have to go to the doctor for a steroid and antibiotic, because my allergies get so bad. This spring, my allergies have bothered me, but not as bad as usual. I am pretty sure that what I am eating is helping. I am trying to stay healthy. I take a vitamin and I am eating lots of fruits and veggies these days, more than I use to.
My work has also added to my weariness. Lots of changes have been made. People are leaving. People are being fired. The powers that be are "cleaning house." Although, I have no worries about getting fired myself, it has been very stressful lately. It is hard not to worry. It is hard not to get caught up in the whirlpool of madness. It is hard to have peace, when everything is so very much in the air. But my God is so good. He is so full of grace. And I know that His strength alone will give me the strength to do what I need to do.
On a positive note, my kiddos have kept me busy. We have been wrapping up the school year. They both received band awards this year, made good grades and have made me pretty darn proud in the process. I have been blessed with some good kiddos. I pray everyday for their hearts as they continue through this adventure call "teenage years." May God have a tight hold on them the whole way. May they continue to keep their eyes on the true prize and not the material ones along the way. It is so scary to be a mom... I mean, how do you tell your teenage daughter that for every prayer she sends up wanting a boyfriend, I am sending one up saying "she is NOT ready." (I know I AM NOT READY!!!) How do you tell your son that fighting is wrong, yet bullying is worse, so if you have to help a friend... (He hasn't been in a fight as of yet, but he has helped a few friends out of situations.)
I honestly don't know how some mothers survive without Jesus. He is my anchor in this storm called child rearing. He is the one who puts the rainbows in view each day.
Today I looked at the vase holding my Mom's Day roses. In the middle was a blue flower. My daughter had received a flower from a friend at school and had plopped it down in that vase, smack dab in the middle of those roses. For some odd reason, it struck me as beautiful. Such a random little thing, but held a powerful message for me.
Dare to be different.
The Lord was whispering, "It is all going to be alright." I need to just be myself. I need to rely totally on Him. His peace will be there. His healing will be there. His strength will be there. All HE asks of me, is to try my best to show Him to others. In the way I live. In the way I work. In the way I love. In the way I handle the tough moments. The Lord is daring me to be be different.
My health has not been what it should lately. I have literally felt tired and run down. I finally went to the doctor. Now I was told what I already know, I am the allergy QUEEN, and part of my problem will always be traced back to them darn allergens. But blood work was done and it was discovered that I do have a little issue with my thyroid. So I have spent the last few weeks getting use to my meds. I do feel better, but since I was run down for a while, it is taking me a little bit to get back into the swing of things.
In case anyone is wondering, I am still gluten free. I feel better and better, tummy wise, everyday. I have even lost a few pounds because of it. It takes willpower and patience. Reading labels is not fun. Avoiding favorite foods is not fun. Going out to eat is no longer enjoyable...of course I don't know if I ever really enjoyed it before. I always had to worry where the closest bathroom was. I still search them out, but mainly because my tummy can tell when my food has had gluten in it. The other plus, is I was commenting to my hubby, just last night, that every spring and fall I usually have to go to the doctor for a steroid and antibiotic, because my allergies get so bad. This spring, my allergies have bothered me, but not as bad as usual. I am pretty sure that what I am eating is helping. I am trying to stay healthy. I take a vitamin and I am eating lots of fruits and veggies these days, more than I use to.
My work has also added to my weariness. Lots of changes have been made. People are leaving. People are being fired. The powers that be are "cleaning house." Although, I have no worries about getting fired myself, it has been very stressful lately. It is hard not to worry. It is hard not to get caught up in the whirlpool of madness. It is hard to have peace, when everything is so very much in the air. But my God is so good. He is so full of grace. And I know that His strength alone will give me the strength to do what I need to do.
On a positive note, my kiddos have kept me busy. We have been wrapping up the school year. They both received band awards this year, made good grades and have made me pretty darn proud in the process. I have been blessed with some good kiddos. I pray everyday for their hearts as they continue through this adventure call "teenage years." May God have a tight hold on them the whole way. May they continue to keep their eyes on the true prize and not the material ones along the way. It is so scary to be a mom... I mean, how do you tell your teenage daughter that for every prayer she sends up wanting a boyfriend, I am sending one up saying "she is NOT ready." (I know I AM NOT READY!!!) How do you tell your son that fighting is wrong, yet bullying is worse, so if you have to help a friend... (He hasn't been in a fight as of yet, but he has helped a few friends out of situations.)
I honestly don't know how some mothers survive without Jesus. He is my anchor in this storm called child rearing. He is the one who puts the rainbows in view each day.
Today I looked at the vase holding my Mom's Day roses. In the middle was a blue flower. My daughter had received a flower from a friend at school and had plopped it down in that vase, smack dab in the middle of those roses. For some odd reason, it struck me as beautiful. Such a random little thing, but held a powerful message for me.
Dare to be different.
The Lord was whispering, "It is all going to be alright." I need to just be myself. I need to rely totally on Him. His peace will be there. His healing will be there. His strength will be there. All HE asks of me, is to try my best to show Him to others. In the way I live. In the way I work. In the way I love. In the way I handle the tough moments. The Lord is daring me to be be different.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter!!!
Jesus is ALIVE!!!
This is my FAVORITE holiday. For it is a HUGE reminder of what is really important in life, it celebrates the reason why we live. We had an AWESOME morning service celebrating the Savior.
I pray you did too.
Happy Easter, friends!!!

Monday, March 26, 2012
And God Spoke...
I went home for a tiny portion of Spring Break, last week. I had to work most of the week, but I got off Friday, so Thursday night we traveled to North Arkansas to see my parents. I LOVE it up there. The rolling hills, the springs, tiny water and LOADS of memories from my childhood.
It was a fun, relaxing weekend. I enjoyed my mom's cooking. I enjoyed
seeing family. It was fun hanging out with my sister. I had a good time.

Yet, I was tired.
It was a tiring week, leading up to my mini break. Work has been crazy lately. A lot of new things going on at church. (Good things, but I am kept hopping.) It was an emotional week for my daughter and that was tough. (There were some tears.) My son had a friend over and when he wasn't busy, he was always asking to do something. (Wish I had his energy. I had it once, but I am not sure where it has gone...) Family situations that leave you drained. Frustration over little things build. Add not feeling good because of the allergies and...I AM TIRED.
Yet, somehow, even when you have a relaxing break, doing something you really want to do, with the people you love the most, you can end up exhausted. Sometimes I think we should plan a break, a day of napping after ever vacation. Now, that would be AWESOME!!!
As it was, as we were heading out of town, starting the journey home I was melancholy. I wasn't ready for the next day of church activities and then a new work week. I was sad to leave my family again. I just was tired. I was already worrying about the week ahead. I was having trouble seeing my blessings and getting out of my "me" pity party.
And then a little further down the road, I saw this...

God said "hello."
All of a sudden my weariness was lost in the beauty of His artwork that night. I was still tired, but I knew that if He can create something beautiful for the whole world to see in an instant, He can certainly give me strength to follow His plan for me the next few days.
Sometimes I need to be reminded that not everything is about me. Sometimes God has to show me the bigger picture. I was blessed with a masterpiece.
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