Friday, February 27, 2009

Yesterday seemed a day for drama. Whether it was due to working environments, school or even the illnesses or deaths of friends and loved ones. It was just a hard day.

I've tried to find a way to focus on the blessings, remembering the peace of God, when the stormy days come around. Yet it is so hard sometimes, when you are caught up in the roaring winds of hurt and you feel like you are drowning in floods of frustration.

However, last week I started doing something new. Due to conviction over the need to pray more, in other words praying throughout my day "without ceasing" and not just when I need something, I started a Praise Book. It is not a new concept. In fact I have journals and journals of prayers. Yet this one is different. It is full of PRAISE! Even if it is the fact that I am still breathing, there is ALWAYS something I can be thankful for.
I decided to write a praise in my book when I start my day. I write something as I turn in for the night. And I fill in the time in between with thankful thoughts too. You know what? It really does help. Not only am I praising my Lord as I write, the words are there and I can go over them over and over again, every time I need a little pick me yesterday.

Yesterday. I truly believe God allows us those days to test the waters, to see how far we are willing to get out of the boat and walk to him in faith. How much will it take before we sink under the pressure and get swallowed by waves of unbelief? Just when I think, I can't take the burden of something else... that I'm drowning, I see the hand of Christ lifting me back up.

So many people have no faith. Like the young girl that works with me. Yes, when asked she believes there is a God, yet her Mom has never taken her to church. She is so quiet and shy. I wonder what, if anything does she truly believe? I'm sad.

And then I am thankful. THANKFUL??? Yes, for someone else's lack of faith always makes me more thankful for my own faith. For I have the silver lining in the storm clouds that come my way. I see the hand reaching for me and know the Savior to whom it belongs. So, when the issues of life take their tole. When I want to have another one of those big pity parties. When I get easily frustrated and think "this is the worst day ever!!!" I remind myself of my Lord who cares. I remember that I have strength and peace that comes from my Heavenly Father...I can't imagine how I would get through the day to day without it. I am lifted back on top of the waves to walk hand in hand with my Lord. And that is PEACE.

By the way, when I started my praise book, the first thing I wrote down was a scripture;

I read it over and over yesterday. "Thank you, Lord for seeing me through the day. I will praise you in the storms of my life."
"And I will praise you in this storm
And I will lift my hands
for you are who you are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise you in the storm."
Casting Crowns


1 comment:

Jim said...

Thanks for the reminder and the thots from your praise book. I'm so proud of you. God does give us peace in the storm, doesn't He?

By the by, we have an offer on the house for that which we were asking. Truly an answer to our prayers. Hope to close by March's end.
Love you,