When taking this picture, Kayla had just whined about wanting a sister so they could take cute pictures... I think this one is pretty funny and cute.

My baby girl.

The first weekend in December is our annual fundraiser for what us Southern Baptists refer to as our Lottie Moon Christmas offering. All offerings collected during the night go to missions. This year we had a Mexican theme. We even had a mariachi band come and play during the meal. After the meal we had two missionary "guests." William Carey and Lottie Moon herself came for a visit and to tell their stories. If you look real close, you might see the uncanny resemblance to my parents. (wink. wink.)

The next week would be practices to get ready for the Christmas musical at church (sorry, no pictures), school events, the Christmas dance at school AND the Christmas tea. This year I was one of the moms in charge of an annual Christmas party held for girl's in Kayla's class at school. It started as a few moms and their daughters getting together when the girls were five. There were about ten of them at the time. Nine years later the group of girls has grown to almost forty names and the moms take turns hosting. This was my year. We ended up having a blast and pulled the event off, but this was a learning experience for me. I will have to tell you about it one day soon, but for now here are a few fun pictures from the day.

The kids before the Christmas dance. I wanted to cry when i dropped them off. This was not Kayla's first dance, but it was Jordan's. Something about dropping my "baby" off... Am I ready for all of this?!!!

The girls that came. Aren't they pretty?

These cans were a project that Kayla and I gave the girls at the party. Each bucket was personalized with the names of all the girls. Inside was candy and notes from the girls that hosted this year. The girls were then encouraged to write notes to each other. They loved it. I need to take a moment and thank my sister and my dad for helping us during the Thanksgiving holiday with this project. They turned out CUTE!
The next week was full of basketball (no pictures of Jordan YET!), work, Christmas parties (I went to FIVE in December!), school programs and Papa's birthday.
Papa (my father-in-law) turned 79 on the 16th. We went over that night to take him a cake and a few goodies. He is plugging along. He has some good days and some bad days. Chemo does that to a person. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. These pictures were taken on his birthday.
Finally, Christmas arrived. Here are a few Christmas memories...

The Monday after Christmas we headed to my parent's house for a late Christmas celebration.
Monday night we opened gifts and I got exactly what I asked "Santa" for, a painting. I have always wanted a painting painted by my dad. I asked and received. Thanks dad!!!

Well, I guess I had better wrap up this review, not because I want to, but because we have a New Year's Eve youth event to go to tonight. The fun of December is still not quite over. This month has been jam packed with "stuff," but at the end of the day, that "stuff" just serves as a reminder of how blessed we are. Freedom to come and go, enjoy family and friends and most of all celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world. Yes, friends, we are blessed.
I pray you and yours had a beautiful holiday celebrating the "REAL" reason for the season.
Happy New Year!