Thursday, June 9, 2011

A "ME" Day...

I didn't go to work today. I took the day off. I needed some "ME" time. I would like to say I was laying by the pool, reading a good book, but who am I trying to kid? Pale skin princess that I am, doesn't sit out in the heat willingly...gals like me don't do "lobster red." Truthfully, I would like to say I was sitting in my big comfy chair, in the air conditioning, reading a GREAT book...but that didn't happen either.

It was a "ME" day. I did take off work. However, I ended up here...

No, it wasn't the relaxing massage a girl dreams about, although I was pushed and smashed on. No, it was my yearly visit with the mammogram machine. FUN. The only highlight of the hour was that the technician is another mom of one of Jordan's classmates and I was distracted by "son" talk. Other than that... UGH!!!

I will probably be called back too, for an ultrasound. Cysts. Yep, that is me, the cyst princess. I inherited my cyst kingdom from my mom the cyst queen. No fun at all...

Of course there is always the fear that it is something more. So many family and friends have all heard the dreaded "C" word lately, so any dream world I was living in, has had a BIG reality check in the last few years. It is hard not to worry and think of the "what ifs?" God knew I needed a little word from Him, so He sent me this in my reading this morning:

"He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. His heart is secure, he will have no fear..." Psalm 112:7-8

It doesn't mean bad things will not come my way, I just don't need to worry, for HE will see me through. Isn't God AWESOME like that?!

This afternoon I continued my "ME" day and got the hair done with the baby girl. Three and a half hours later, we come out looking a little brighter and less shaggy. Here are the before and after pictures, which are not the best, but it is what I have, so you will just have to take my word for it. "No makeup" faces may have looked a little on the tired side, getting beautiful is hard work, but at least our hair has a new look. (Sorry, but I wasn't going to put on makeup just for this picture.)




Now, I am thinking to end my day, that I will grab a book and read a little, be lazy and go to bed early.

A total "ME" day...


Kellie said...

Glad you had a great "ME" day. :) Mammograms are not fun, but are so important! Your haircuts look great!

Bridget said...

Your haircuts look fabulous, dahling!

On a totally different note, another one of my Arkansas bloggy buddies blogged about the Sound of Music dinner theater and I emailed her back, telling her that I think I read about someone else who was at that same event. She emailed me back to get details, and she goes to your church and knows you all! Small world ;)

Sharon Sloan said...

Great hair cuts! :)

Glad you took the time to take care of "me" and get the necessary sqwooooshing!!!! Praying for great results!

Angie said...

Isn't it amazing... They can put a man on the moon, but the best they have for a mammo is a vice grip?!
Oh well, you look mah.veh.lus dahling, and I love that scripture. Thanks for sharing.

Andrea said...

Praying for you!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I am finding out that "me" days are relative and always couched within the context of family needs. I so need a trip to the beauty shop, but then again, she'd have so little hair to work with. Alas, maybe a drive to have lunch with some old friends would be good. Or maybe sending the kids to grandparents for a couple of days. Yes... that's what I'm going to do. Thanks for reminding me about my need for some "me time."

PS: Good girl to get your mammogram!