Sunday, September 4, 2011

Grandma's dress...

My daughter has ALWAYS "beat to her own drum" when it comes to fashion. She does NOT like wearing the same Aeropostale shirt that everyone else has. And although she does wear the occasional pair of American Eagle jeans or a cute t-shirt from Old Navy, she LOVES going to thrift stores, shopping on ebay and anywhere else she can find something a little different, maybe a little retro or vintage.

This summer, her and my niece decided my Mother-in-law's closet was the place to shop. Number one, it was free. Number two, her closet was crammed full of old outfits and styles that have made it back around once more.

One of Kayla's favorites is what I call "The Little House on the Prairie" dress because of the print. Grandma made that dress and Kayla LOVES it. Who would have thought it? Kayla adds her boots, a belt and some jewelry and off she goes. Grandma beams with pride every time she sees her wearing one of her old garments.

(Please excuse my messy carport, it was raining so it wasn't the best picture taking day.)

My heart smiles because when I look at the pictures, I see more than my cute blue eyed daughter smiling for the camera. I see family history being passed down and all the love that goes with it. One day she will have her own stories to tell about Grandma's dress...

"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come..." Proverbs 31:25


Kellie said...

That is so sweet. Just this morning Mikayla and I were discussing how it is OK to not have to "fit in" and do what everyone else is doing. What is best is being who you are in Christ... and never letting that go. I believe your daughter has definitely found that place. Very cute and so sweet. :)

Ashley said...

That's for stopping by my blog! I didn't know you had one too!!
I love her dress. It's crazy how some of that stuff comes back in style! Kayla looks too cute in that dress! I love shopping at thirft stores too sometimes you find the cutest things or can turn them into the cutest outfit!

Kristin said...

I love it!! My oldest is like that too.....she likes what she likes and doesn't care if it's popular or what everyone else is wearing. And maybe I'm just old, but what is with the Aeropostale and Hollister stuff....they're so plain and boring?! I guess it's just the brand name thing? I remember dressing up in my Meme's dresses and I always wished I had grown up in the 50's, when all the women wore beautiful dresses everywhere they classy and always in style! :)

Bridget said...

Awww, she totally rocks that outfit!

momstheword said...

My friend's daughter likes to do her own thing in regards to style too. I love how she dresses because she shows so much personality and originality.

I am so impressed that your mom actually has clothes in her closet that are that old! Your daughter looks adorable, by the way.

He & Me + 3 said...

That is the cutesy dress and I love how she added her own touches. Super cute!

Angela said...

I just love it!!! I have a dress of my grandmother's also (the one she wore to my wedding 24 years ago) and a top of her's that I wear for the summer...Your daughter looks absolutely gorgeous in that one. How precious...