In the words of my dear Dad, "It blows my mind!" how someone can look at something so incredible, so beautiful and not believe there is a God.
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
creations revealing your majesty
from the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming...
Indescribable, uncontrollable
you placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name
You are an amazing God
all powerful, untameable
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are an amazing God.
Who has told every lightening bolt where it should go
or seen Heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to it's light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
none can fathom...
- Song written by Laura Story, sung by Chris Tomlin
I am so thankful that when the days get busy and long, and we get caught up in all our many activities, that if we take a moment to look around, God has placed many reminders of His greatness. Then you realize the busyness doesn't seem quite as important. The little frustrations and worries, seem insignificant. That everything seems "little" when compared to the magnificence of our creator.
Take a moment today and...
"Be still and know that HE IS GOD." - Psalm 46:10
Oh my goodness, Mich...it's so funny because yesterday I was out after dark, looked at the moon, and was thinking, how can anyone seriously believe that a big bang happened and everything just fell into place. The sun and the moon and how it relates to the earth.....I mean it's just silly to think everything magically happens to work perfectly....it all points to our Creator.
Truly amazing indeed! And I love that worship song!
His creation leaves everyone "without excuse" to believe in His existence.
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
Romans 1:20
How so very true....How can anyone see the moon, the amazine detail in animals, flowers, heck just the way our body works in amazing in itself! How can they NOT believe in the ONE who created all these beautiful and amazing wonders! IT IS BEYOND ME!
That moon is gorgeous!
Amen, sister.
That is an amazing picture...He does do good work. BEautiful moon.
Our God is an Awesome God!
Everything He does, everything He's made is amazing!
Hi Mich! I love this post! It's so true! Now we are in fall, my favorite season, I keep on thank God for all these colors, these landscapes, it's wonderful!
I love Chris Tomlin's song you wrote! It's perfect!
You know what else "blows my mind?" That the good Lord would allow me the very great privilege of being the Dad of such a pair of continuing "insight-full" daughters such as you and your sis.
I am blessed to have 4 wonderful women in my life - your Nanny, your Mommy, your sissy, and you-sey! (Couldn't help the word game.)
I love that song too....so beautiful.
You know I am all about seeing God in every creation...so a big huge Holy *high five* to you!
Love that song and that picture of the moon is beautiful! If we could only just sit back and recognize at every turn, no matter what, He is still God!! :)
LOVE that song oh so much!!!
My son said last night "look look!" and it was beautiful indeed...His creation certainly shouts His glory and goodness!
I have those same thoughts often -- how can people look around the earth and still not believe in God??? It's crazy!!
This photo is amazing and beautiful!! :)
Wow! I totally agree with you :)
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