Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Adding a little Bounce...

Here lately I have felt like a fudy dudy. That is where you feel kind of out of sorts, you look in the mirror and don't really like what you see, you are trying to mentally get through the first three days of a new diet, etc... etc... etc...

Anyway, I'm finding out that when I am already in that "mood" then my patience is thin, my feelings get hurt easily and I am struggling to just stay afloat in this busy, crazy world of work, church activities, piano lessons and soccer games.

In other words "I'm having one super duper bad hair day!!!" So what did I do? I added a little curl. My hair has a lot of natural wave, so instead of starting my day fighting with my hair and a straightener, the last few days I've embraced the wave.

It isn't permanent. In fact tomorrow I just might go back straight. But this weekend through today, I needed a little "pep in my step."

Maybe there really is something to that whole "hair day" scenario...
(As for the picture...I think I might need to find my friends the tweezers. Ouch! Just keeping it all real...)


Tiffani said...

I LOVE it!!

I have a special place in my heart for curly girls! ;)

I SOO wish I had some curls, so much so, I've considered getting a softy wave-ish perm!! (ahhh, did I just say that word?!)

Anyway, I totally get what you mean about feeling that about yourself b/c I have those days too...good for you for putting some pep in your step!

really.truly said...

Love it! How fun that you have the option...you look adorable!

Sharon Sloan said...

Your hair looks gorgeous that way! :)

(oh -- I've been getting my brows waxed every few weeks. only a few dollars and totally worth it.)

Amber said...

I always like it when you give yourself doo-doo curls.

Mine won't do that. Hurmph.

Love you. And you hair.

Heart2Heart said...


You are so lucky! If I attempted to put curls in my hair they would fall out in a few hours. No such luck! Love yours!

Embrace the change!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Kendra Lee said...


He & Me + 3 said...

I love it curly...how cute. My Model just had me straighten her curls yesterday...gotta try new things.

Kristin said...

You look beautiful! My hair has natural curl too and I really should embrace it!

Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

love it, i've always wanted a little body in my hair.

Jim said...

Oh, I know what you mean! I have those "bad hair days" too. The only thing that seems right is the large 8 inch part down the middle of the top of my head, which I owe to you girls and your mother. Quit wiping the hair "over the top" and just shave it, you said. My bad hair day was yesterday. What hair, you say? Well, it was my periodic visit to the barbar.of.the.ville - he's slow as mo.lass.es but I like the results so I go back. Bad hair days is seeing those with large locks of gray, brown and black paying $10 for their cuts and then having to pay $10 for just a few, though well-placed, snips on mine. Ah, well. At least washing it is quick as a wink.

Yours, by the way (and what does by the way mean, anyway?) looks great! Of course, I think you always look great! No, seriously, I do!

Love you,

E @ Scottsville said...

Ahhhh, you pulled a MEEE! Don't you love being able to switch it up like that? I like the curls on you! I honestly think you look YOUNGER with the curls. =0)

Just go back and forth with it and keep the variety!

christy rose said...

I love it!! You look great with curls!!

Amy said...

Your hair looks great like that!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

If I had that kind of bounce in my hair, I'd bounce every day. Alas, flat and boring. I have to work for any bounce. Adorable, Mich. don't grow weary in your well doing sister; just keep putting one foot in front of the other, one trusting step after another until you see the faithfulness of our Father in rich measure. He is faithful to come as we are faithful to walk.


Angie said...

Very Cute! And you get this naturally?

Joyeful said...

You look GREAT!!! I love the curls! There's nothing like a new do to put a gal in a better mood : )

~*Michelle*~ said...

LOVE the curls....you are so pretty!

Gaia said...

I want some curls too, but am afraid, it might make me look older. Hiaz decisions decisions!!!

S and J said...

love the hair girlfriend! I too am having a hair crisis that I'm afraid will not be resolved any time soon! Too much humidity, bad water, and no tools! A pony tail seems to be the standard for me these days. Maybe I'll get a great new style in Bangkok in December! :o)