Sunday, November 22, 2009

What A Weekend!!!

Thanks to all who lifted a prayer to the Lord Most High on behalf of my hubby's uncle. He is doing well. He had open heart surgery last Thursday and is recovering very nicely. There has even been talk of him going home next week. Doing a happy dance...

The wedding also went very well. I remember looking around and missing dear family members who were with Uncle Zeke at the hospital, but was so glad to be one of the ones there to represent the family. Right before the wedding started, my hubby called the hospital and then laid the cell phone on the podium. The family gathered in the hospital room all got to hear hubby's words and the vows spoken as the wedding went on. The bride was even going to stop by the hospital, on her way to her honeymoon, for a surprise visit with her grandpa. (Boy! I would have loved to be a fly on the wall, and saw his expression when she walked in his hospital room.) God is good...

As for right now, I am tired. Unfortunately I am one of the ones that has to work till Wednesday. So the bed is calling my name. I promise to post wedding pictures and trip pictures soon.

Thanks friends, for the prayers.


He & Me + 3 said...


What awesome news. So glad all went well and what a great thing to do with the cell phone. So sweet.

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

I love the name cool. Is it short for Ezekiel? I am so glad that surgery went well ;)