Yesterday was my followup visit with the doctor after having my very sick gallbladder taken out. It would also be my first adventure out of the house in nine days. I was excited.
My appointment was at 1:45. We live about an hour and thirty minutes away from Little Rock, where my doctor and his wonderful hospital reside. (I think they are ALL wonderful for helping this very sick gal out. Oh, I feel so much better!) However, we left at 8:30 yesterday morning. You see, my hubby needed to "kill two birds with one stone" and needed to visit a young mom, having her third baby at the hospital that morning. (By the way, baby born healthy and a whopping 8 pounds 9 ounces.) Ministry calls.
But I didn't mind, 'cause the hubby promised me a very small shopping spree to Kohl's and Old Navy and a nice lunch, while we waited for my appointment time. Although very tired, with moments of pain (found out later, they are called muscle spasms) I enjoyed my day. Hey! The hubby was shopping with me without complaint, it was a good day.
It was so cute, for I was there to find the kids some school clothes. Since school started in the midst of my crazy ordeal, I hadn't really bought them much, just a new outfit for the first day, with a promise of more new things in the months ahead. So, here I was shopping for the kiddos with the hubby and guess what? We had fun.
All the summer stuff at Kohl's was on sale. Kevin liked that and proceeded to help me go through the racks, looking for "cute" stuff with an even "cuter" price tag. He loved shopping for Kayla, even picking out a shirt and cami outfit for her himself. (the fact that she wore it to school this morning made him beam.) I ended up getting her three shirts, with two matching camis off the sales rack, each piece costing two to six dollars. I also got a shirt/vest combo that was just a regular sale in their fall clothing and then...
And then we found it. I was hoping we would. I even told Kev that I would put all the other stuff back (although I didn't 'cause it was so cheap!) to get it. Kayla has been wanting a jacket. but not just any jacket, she has been wanting the army green type jacket that she has been seeing in all the magazines. You know, the kind you can wear with ANYTHING? I found the perfect one, for not only was it army green and she could wear it with layers of cute shirts, it had a mandarin collar, with a touch of Asian flare that my baby girl loves so much.

Here is a picture of the jacket in black. The color we bought Kay, was "bungee cord." It was cute, the picture doesn't give it justice. I even tried it on and loved it, although the hubby was right when he said, Kayla wouldn't want to be "matchy matchy" with her mom. So, needless to say we were excited. More expensive then all my other purchase put together but it was on sale for twenty dollars off, so I thought it was still a good buy. We both couldn't wait to see her when she saw it. In fact, Kev waited to put the groceries up, just to see her when I gave it to her. She did not disappoint. She LOVED it. She tried it on with two or three different things, mumbling along the way about wishing the weather "was cooler." I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of this green jacket come fall. Does the mommy (and daddy) heart good to see your kids excited.
After Kohl's we hit Old Navy. We were only there about ten minutes, but it was fun. You see, my son LOVES Old Navy jeans the best. He will wear other brands when he has to, but I end up seeing him wear his favorite pairs over and over. Only problem is, that it seems everyone else likes the same brand and size as my baby boy. I found ONE pair of the style and size he requested. ONE. And then the fun part was teaching my hubby the art of buying jeans. He was confused over the differences between "loose," "regular," "boot cut" and "slim." He would find Jordan's size, just for me to say "put it back." In the end, I did buy Jordan one pair of "regulars" even though he likes the "loose" fit, because they were two pairs for the price of one. AND HE NEED JEANS. May have to order him another pair online soon.
After our little shopping spree, Kevin took me to the "Purple Cow." Yummy burgers! Actually, it was only my second burger in a month and a half. I loved it! It felt good to be able to eat again. Well, that is until I got to the doctor's office...
I got the diet lecture. Evidently when the good 'ol doc was scoping out my belly, removing the nasty gallbladder, he discovered my liver was a little too "fatty" for his liking. With my frame, he wants me to lose weight and get healthy, before he has to see me in the future for other problems. He wants me to be 130 pounds. I haven't been 130, since before my kiddos. Although I understand what he is saying, I know I'm suppose to be smaller. I was after all 100 pounds when I graduated. I was 115 when I got married. Now I'm... Whoops! Almost let the cat out of the bag. Sorry friends, not telling that number until I've lost it. :)
Anyway, now doctors orders are to lose weight and get healthy and try to get my hubby healthy too. I'm going to try. After all, I haven't been eating bad in over month. Two burgers, one night of pizza and a few homemade meals since surgery are not enough damage to turn around what I already started in weight loss. I've already lost twenty five pounds since getting sick, so I guess I am already on my way. Say a pray for me...
Other than that, the good news kept coming. HE doesn't want me to drive or go to work for another week. These so called "muscle spasms" are still too painful and frequent for me to do much. So, I guess I'm left to do a few things around the house, since I can't go anywhere. Time to catch up on the laundry that stacked up again while I was down and out. Just not suppose to do much lifting or I'll pay for it later.
Finally, after coming home yesterday, we went to pick up the kids at school, they stayed late because Jordan was testing for band instruments. After that, Kev took me to the grocery store. By the end, I had to got sit on the bench and let him finish. I WAS WORN PLUM OUT! After we got home the hubby and kids waited on me, knowing I had reached my limit for the day. I fell asleep watching this old classic...

I hadn't seen this movie in FOREVER. It made me smile.
Anyhoo, friends, I had a good day out. the good news about the "no drive, no work" policy is that I slept two extra hours after the hubby and kids left this morning. Now, I'm fixing to reintroduce myself to Mr. and Mrs. Washer and Dryer.
Hope you are having a great week!
So glad that you and your wonderful hubby got to enjoy the day out. I love when those unexpected moments happen over being planned. Life is just more meaningful that way.
Here's to helping encourage you along your journey to a healthier weight and know that in the end, it will help you live a longer, healthier life working for God.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Ooooh, I LOVE Kohl's because they have an awesome petite section and their sales are always great. Kyle loves Old Navy jeans as well.
So glad you are feeling better and were able to get out for a while. I know after being cooped up so long, it always feels so good. How fun the you two shopped together, I love days like that with my hubby!!
Don't do too much laundry!!
Love and Blessings
What a great day!! So glad you were able to get out with the hubby.
Enjoy the extra week off - don't over do it!
I'll pray for you with the new diet, and you can pray for me the same;)
Love you!
(And soooo love that jacket!)
What a fun post!! I love how happy it made your husband to see her wear what he picked! And I love that jacket and the story of how much she liked it. I will have to stop by Kohl's and see what I can find!!
Okay, so 130?!! I would have to seriously starve myself to get to that weight again. Haha!!
I am with you, my girl! In fact, today is a first day of a challenge forty for me - a countdown to several things. My own weight needs a good reduction for my health, our church is counting down 40 to our fall revival on Oct. 10, and my own applications of putting on active some other challenges, as well. I start mandolin lessons tomorrow again, I'm painting regularly and hope by then to have several complete, etc. I'm putting you on my forty day list - so keep up your disciplines.
Glad you all had a good time together - I went to the skin doc yesterday and got zapped forty eleven times with his "freeze.ray" - ouch! And I mean OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCH!
The next 10 days my head is supposed to become one big blister - and I hope peel to skin like a "new baby's bottom"!
Rambling, I know, but want you to know you are in my prayers for forty and more!
How exciting to get a day out. And what a fantastic one it was at that.
Kohls always has the BEST sales at the end of the season.
Hi, Mich...
It's nearly 1 a.m. here but I wanted to drop by your blog place before signing off.
A friend and I had dinner out, then coffee at our favorite cafe... then as I checked my most recent post for comments, I found out about the award from MaryLeigh, and this comment from you.
I absolutely loved this post...really I read every word with a smile on my face. Found myself rejoicing with your store finds, and so much love flowing between you and "Kev"... oh that jacket is lovely, I'm a jacket girl, so I can definitely relate.
Well gotta go for now, just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog place.
Blessings on your day...
Glad you got some time out and a shopping spree with your hubby. :) You can do it on the weight loss! The Lord will get you through!
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