Did I tell you about our gingerbread house?
You will have to forgive me, for I had about a week during the holidays in which I didn't post a thing. I finally got my pictures uploaded, so now I am going to spend the next few days playing catch up.
I thought I would start with the "gingerbread house." My mom and I were at the store Christmas Eve and they had those gingerbread kits on sale, so we picked up one. I knew Kayla had been wanting to put one together anyway.
I honestly think there should be a warning label on the box that says "Can cause stress. Impossible to make it exactly like picture on box. Especially if you are working with a thirteen year old who is eating all the icing as she goes and the artistic talents of your five year old nephew." I think we ended up more with a gingerbread shack, but we had fun...
Here we started all smiles...
This is how we ended up before we were finished...
Here is Kayla actually putting the icing on the house...
Here is what Kayla spent most of her house building time doing...
Hmm... wonder where she gets it from?My five year old nephew Tate took his part in the decorating very seriously...
For some reason the roof kept wanting to slide. Probably could have used more icing Kayla!!!
Ta Da! Here was our masterpiece! Tate was in charge of decorating the front and the back, too cute, huh?
Here's our shack... there may be a few cracks in the roof and a couple of lopsided walls, but it was made with lots of love and a bunch of sticky fingers.
Gotta love those holiday memories...
Looks like my parsonage, minus the frosting...
We missed our window of opportunity on doing the gingerbread house this year, but it is usually part of our tradition.
We always buy the pre-constructed houses that we only decorate though. I bought one that we had to put together ourselves once (by accident), and quickly realized that we were in over our heads!
Looks like you all did pretty well though! That's puite an accomplishment!
Looks good to me :)
Ours collapsed in the same day. yours turned out great.
I haven't made one in a while. Maybe next year.
PS: I have an urgent prayer request on arise 2 write.
oh, those are so fun.
Y'alls turned out great and I think it's more about the time spent than the actual building, right?
Great memories made, Mom!!!
LoL!! A gingerbread shack!! That's what ours is too!! And it's missing quite a few candies, too, from little swiping hands!
Kirk will be so devastated to know that you didn't include the picture of him snorting the sprinkles.
Great job! It looks like you had so much fun!!!
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