"The Lord my God is mighty to save. He will take great delight in me, He will quiet me with his love..." Zephaniah 3:17
Sunday, February 28, 2010
A "wet" work in progress...
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Treasures in the Dark...
It started with taking my kids to school. Miss it just a little. Actually, scratch that, it wasn't the "taking to school" I miss, but rather being that "stay at home mom" of old. Being off from work yesterday just emphasized that loss. The guilt, the frustration, the missed events all surfaced yesterday. Add the fact that my hubby was gone taking care of business with his mom and her surgery... well, God and I had a cry fest. Actually, I had a crying fest, but I know God was listening and holding me tight. My God is so great like that!
Then, I sat down at the computer. I needed a little inspiration, a little word from the Lord. I had already tried to search my beloved Bible, but couldn't focus or concentrate on any Scripture. So, I asked for His Help. So has I was searching blog land, I went straight to Beth Moore's blog, in search of a little word from the Lord. In a round about way I connected to her Wednesday Bible study that she does on TV. She did not disappoint and once again God used her to speak to me in a BIG, BIG way.
Her opening statement?
"We've got to give God the time to turn some trash into treasure. Every single thing that happens to us, given time, God can turn those moments into treasure."
Hello! It was as if God was saying "Baby girl..." (You know that is how Beth talks!) Anyway, "Baby girl, are you understanding ME? Are you getting the whole picture? You are where you are and if you will just be patient I will show you "WHY?" and turn your circumstances around into something beautiful. "
My friend Beth (I consider her a friend, because I have done 7 of her Bible studies, have seen her live 3 times and now I watch her on my computer. We are tight!), was talking about her own demons from childhood and the abuse she dealt with as a little girl, but I think God was letting me know that the verses she shared and the God given words she spoke were for ANYONE with a hurting heart, for whatever reason. We have all come to roads on our journey through life, that for whatever reason are hard to deal with. This is a cruddy world we live in sometimes. It is hard, as a mom, not to get bogged down with the hurts, fears and anxiety that wants to run rampant and load us down. It is hard not to look to the Lord and say "WHY? WHY this? WHY now? WHY me?"
I have dealt with changes all my life, some good, some bad and some just plain HARD. But many times, I can look back at what seemed to be a "dark" period in my life and see the beauty that came from it. Right now, I may be struggling with some situations I do not like. Some things that are not easy. But, God is telling to be patient, for He can and will turn my frustrations into treasures and blessings if I keep plugging along in faith.
Beth shared a verse that is a new treasure for me. A new little promise of hope for the "dark" moments.
"I will give you treausres of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know I AM the LORD." Isaiah 45:3
Isn't that great? Even when things don't seem as bright as we would like, those moments can still be turned into rich rewards.
I'm better today. Did life get easier over night? No. But my heart decided to change a little and try to be patient. Life still happens. It is sometimes going to be yucky. But I am going to chose to believe daily in my Heavenly Father who loves me enough to send His son to die for me. I am going to chose to wait patiently for those "jewels in my crown."
Inspiration to hold on? Read one of the best chapters in the Bible about FAITH. Hebrews 11.
I read it aloud yesterday and was humbled by the circumstances and the faith of those who have gone before me. God is good and HE takes care of His own. HE just asks me to believe and be patient...
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Little things like this make me smile BIG!!!

I went to my scrap booking club last night. This is MY night, once a month. I go be creative and chat up a storm with friends for about three hours. So much fun! This was last night's creation...

I thought it turned out pretty cute...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Prayers for the Mom-in-love...

She is a brave lady and very loved. We know God holds her in his hands and we are blessed because of it.
It is as times like this, that I have to ask... how do people get through the "nitty gritty," yucky part of life without faith in the God Almighty?!!!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
My Mommy Heart Cracked...

Friday, February 19, 2010
Little Miss Goody Two Shoes...possibly forever....
I've cooled down since then and have even forgiven the poor people that work there and have to put up with who knows what all day... yep! I can be nice like that.
Anyhoo, back to why I bring it all up again...
When I was leaving the Health Department that afternoon, I called my hubby. I had to vent. You see, if you know me, then you know that I did not make a scene at the Health Department. I may have asked a few questions and they could probably tell I was not happy, but I left quietly. In fact I went straight to my car, grabbed my cell and called Kev.
I say "Hello. You will never believe what happened to me..." and off I went, venting away. But then I realized something. He had me on speaker phone at work. OH YEAH!
I might need to remind you here, that my hubby is a minister and works at a church, etc...etc...etc...
All of a sudden I hear one of the secretaries say "Kevin, you might want to tell her she is on speaker phone, so she doesn't say anything that might embarrass her later."
Hmm... thank you secretary!
My hubby replies "It is Mich, I don't have to worry about her. She would never say anything questionable."
Awww... I should be happy with that, right? In fact the next day when I was personally at the office, one of the gals complimented me on that, saying that it was awesome that he knew me so well and knew that I would never ever talk bad, even when upset. He could trust me with my mouth.
Yeah, there was a part of me that was thankful I hadn't let my mouth fly wide and let the profanity roll. But, if I am totally honest... I felt like I was in high school again, being called "goody two shoes." Is it possible at almost 40 years of age to still feel all "goodyfied?" (Word check does not like me right now.)
Truth is I did many things in high school that I regret. I went through a rebellious period that was not pleasant for me or my parents. But if I'm honest, profanity was never one of my hang ups. I wasn't the kid who talked one way to my parents and then went to school and used every bad word known to man. I just didn't.
Funny thing is that even when I thought it would be cool and would say a questionable word or phrase, it never came out right. I would end up uncomfortable and embarrassed. I've broken many a commandment, but number three has never been a problem. I even had to describe the theme of my post by using "potty mouth." Do people even still say "potty mouth?"
Move forward...
It is now 2010. I have a daughter who is thirteen and a son that is eleven. I was raised in a time when "shut up" and "stupid" were considered questionable words. (We had all the others too, we just wouldn't say these in front of the parents.) My kids are being raised with cartoons that talk about more than just "silly rabbits" and shows that have teenagers getting pregnant. Am I being too hard on them if I do not want them to say words like "crap," "sucks," "butt," "dang it," and so on...?
If I'm honest, I can't stand the words. I will see the most beautiful lady and then hear her talk and I cringe. nothing bothers me more than hearing a two year old say questionable words...nothing cute about it. Does that mean that I ride people about the words they commonly use or never watch a movie or listen to the radio. No. I know it is there. I know that those few words I mentioned above are used everywhere, by parents and children alike. Some of my favorite movies are unfortunately filled with them. I know I am not the norm. I know my kids probably talk differently when I am not around. I'm not naive...
I just wonder if I'm the only mom out there that feels the stress. I mean, when I was growing up, we had it bad, temptations were all around. I think the difference is that today, kids don't know what to think. They are getting mixed signals. They have no idea what is really right and wrong, because everything looks grey at times. And because there is no respect left in our society, the mouths run more freely these days...among all ages.
So, I guess my question is; "What does it mean to have a potty mouth in the year of 2010?"
I am curious where all of you, my dear friends and mothers of your own darlings stand on this issue. What do you consider a "potty mouth" and worth a good "mouth washing?" Am I being too hard on my kids?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
What's for Dinner?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Gotta a little "Sunshine" down in my heart...
Anyway, sorry you had to hear me type a little off key and I probably have too many "joys," but hopefully you got the idea anyway...
What is the idea? Truthfully, I have no clue except that I found myself humming it all morning. Funny, huh? And then I got on the computer and found out that I had been given a sweet little award from my friend Kat at Heart 2 Heart. She passed the "sunshine award" my way and it really brightened my day! Thanks friend! Made me want to sing "I've got the sunshine down in my heart." Or maybe I could say "sonshine." :)

Anyway, I'm suppose to pass this little award along, so that it might brighten someone else's day. Oh, how to chose, for I read so many blogs, for so many different reasons, but here is my list and why.
mimi - because it never fails, I post, she comments, no matter the content, she leaves me an encouraging word. And then I visit her blog and manage to laugh, cry and smile with her as I view her online picture album of her beautiful family. Her posts always put a smile on my face.
amber - my sister. She does make me laugh and cry often with her posts, simply because I can feel her heart. I thank God everyday for her and what an inspiration she is to me. (Amb, I'm afraid I couldn't help myself and had a Jim-Dad moment.) Oh, and since I know that my dad will read this, this award especially goes to him, for he is the true encourager and can brighten any one's day with a beautiful comment. I just didn't think he was into the whole bloggy award thing. But if you would like to visit him and read some of his beautiful inspiring words you will find him here.
elaine - WOW! This lady can write and has been blessed with a beautiful gift from the Lord. Her posts always leave me inspired and encouraged.
joyeful - I love reading her posts. From gorgeous pictures of her little darlings, to her heartfelt poetic prayers, to her creativeness, this bloggy girl always makes me smile. She really does have a joyful heart!
kari - This gal and her blog are just plain fun! I especially love her stories... She is a true pick-me-up when you just need a reason to smile.
kristen - I love this girl's spirit... her love for life spills over into her blog and I smile with each word. Whether she is showing off her kiddos or sharing something laid on her heart at church, she shines bright.
andrea - This woman is a true prayer warrior. Her encouraging comments and acknowledgement of prayer on my behalf, always is a true blessing.
Oops! that is more than five, isn't it. I could keep on going...
For those of you I didn't mention, you all really deserve this award too, for anyone who visits me and leaves a sweet encouraging comment from time to time, really does brighten my day...
When I started this online diary of sorts I never imagined what a blessing I would receive from it. Thanks friends for simply being there...
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Valentine Hugs...
Here are a few of my Valentine hugs...
The keeper and protector of my heart...

The "baby doll" that made me understand what unconditional "mommy love" really was, with her first heard heartbeat...

The lesson theme I taught my Kindergartners in Sunday School today. A lesson I need to hear over and over myself...

Here's wishing you, my friends, a Happy Valentine's Day filled with your own picture moments and lots and lots of hugs...
Friday, February 12, 2010
Rambling Update...

Unfortunately this is the road that somehow forgot to freeze on country roads and bridges so school buses could not get through, therefore cancelling school and making my home a HAPPY home this Friday morning.

Well, life went on... we went to work and school. I was loaded down with teacher gifts. Nothing like feeling appreciated. Of course my family loved them all, for they were all different kinds of chocolate. For those who don't know, I'm allergic to chocolate, so like I said, MY KIDS WERE HAPPY! Maybe that made up just a little for the lack of snow today.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Here I go rambling again... (And I have a HUGE prayer request!!!)
Well, I will tell you what hasn't been going on... SNOW!!! My poor kids keep watching the Arkansas map and realize that half the state has had their share of the white stuff, missing gobs of school, while my kids are still plugging along, making those grades. I keep telling them that when everyone else has to make up those school days, they will have the last laugh. Although Mr. Weatherman did say it might come our way Thursday or Friday, so we shall see...
I just got home from youth group... 107 people there tonight. WOW!!! We are really excited about the growth of our group.
Well, Kayla did pass the dreaded Social Studies test from a few posts back. My "drama queen" knew her stuff evidently well enough to pass. Funny thing is, teacher conferences were this week, so her daddy finally met the "wacky" teacher he had heard so very much about. As he and Kayla were talking to her about Kayla's grades, he asked to know the "breakdown" of what she made. In other words, like a normal dad, he wanted to know why her grade had dropped from an "A" to and 88%. First, the teacher didn't have the breakdown of the grades, and she was the only one he saw that day who didn't and then second, she couldn't tell him what Kayla made on her test. Actually, that isn't quite right... she knew that she made something like a 249 out of 274 (we are not even sure about the numbers), to which the teacher told Kevin and Kayla that they would have to figure it out because she wasn't the math teacher. HUH?!!! Needless to say she didn't leave a very good first impression with my hubby.
We had our big fundraiser for camp this weekend. Exciting. We have a Mayberry dinner theater. We served steak and potato and then had this drama group from Mississippi come in and perform. It was a lot of fun. The kids made around two thousand dollars in tips. Not sure about how much they made off the tickets. The countdown to camp has started. Love youth camp!!!
Here is a picture of Kayla and I at the Mayberry dinner. Yes, I look tired...because I WAS!!! Anyway, my hair is pulled back, but you can kind of get an idea of the new hair color. A little darker, brighter highlights. I will have to try and remember to take a "good" picture, when my hair is "fixed." I'm still not sure if I "love" the new do, yet. AND YES! I AM STARTING TO SEE HOW MUCH SHE LOOKS LIKE ME!!! (By the way, we had to wear white, with bluejeans.)

Oh, I almost forgot. The progress reports came out. The grades are in. Kayla made all "A's" and the one "B" in Social Studies. Jordan made all "A's" except for an 88% in Math. Very proud of my young chickeroos.
Shhh... I feel like I need to whisper even in my thoughts. I can't believe it but I can hear my kids having a conversation in the next room. They are actually sharing, talking...NOT FIGHTING!!! Oh, they do love each other after all!!! What that does to a mommy's heart!
Last, but certainly not least, I had asked for prayer a few posts back for my dear mother-in-law. She got her test results today and the mass was cancer. I am not sure what the road ahead looks like, but I know the journey will not be easy. Please keep her in your prayers as well as our family.
Blessings freinds! I am so thankful for the extra loving support I find here everyday. Thanks for letting me vent. Thanks for laughing with me on this journey we call life. Thanks for being prayer warriors on my behalf. I am blessed to have met you!!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Broken into Beautiful
So, if you are a mom (or dad) who sometimes feels overwhelmed, stressed, useless and totally unworthy at times, this song is for you. Listen to it and feel the healing power of God's grace sweep over you.
Hope you are having a beautiful week wrapped in the Heavenly Father's love...
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Drama... A Brother's Definition
Anyway, my daughter, bless her little heart has a BIG social studies test tomorrow. The teacher, is making Kayla take it, even though she missed the last two days of school, because of the tummy bug. So Kayla missed the class lectures and has a NINE page study guide which she got today. HELP! She is really is a nervous wreck...
I did what any good mom would do and told her to just do her best and try not to worry and then helped her study. It was over Greek Mythology and a bunch of other Greek history... anyone feeling her pain about now? So here we are learning everything from Greek gods, to Alexander the Great to Plato. Yep! Really fun stuff and a lot of it too! (Already praying...)
So, I was going along asking her questions from her study guide, when I asked her what the word "Drama" meant. At that precise moment Jordan walks in the room. Upon seeing his sister struggling with the correct wording for the definition he exclaimed without missing a beat;
"Kayla, that's an easy one... the answer is YOU!"
Between the look on Kayla's face and his quick smarty pants remark, I was in tears from laughing so hard. In fact it was so spontaneous that even Kayla herself smiled.
(For family knows that Kayla is the DRAMA QUEEN of the family. Have NO idea where she gets it from either! :) Can I blame it on my sister? HEE! HEE!)
Just one of those priceless moments in a sibling's life...
But then, I guess you had to be there.

Lord, I thank you every day for the smiles my children bring me. What did I ever do to deserve such blessings?!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
What to do with the key to happiness...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The hubby borrows my "Supermom" cape!!!
My little girl is sick. Well, actually she is not so little anymore, but of course she will always be my girl. Anyway, she officially came down with the tummy bug early this morning at around 3:00 a.m. It was weird, because I woke up sensing that something was wrong, and then all of a sudden I heard the "Mom!" from the hall bathroom. So I grabbed my "Supermom" cape, and flew to her side...well actually I stumbled in the dark and then had to backtrack to find my glasses, but I finally made it. Of course, now that she is older, I'm really just there for moral support and to wipe the brow with a warm cloth, but hey, I can honestly say I did it like a pro.
She was then tucked into her bed, nice and cozy. With a bottle of water (check!), a comfy blanket (check!), a bucket by the bed (check! check!) and the lamp light left on, she quietly closed her eyes and I stumbled my way back to my bed. I laid my head on the pillow, shut my eyes for what seemed like just seconds (it was actually thirty minutes) when I heard "Mom!" Once again I made the journey in the dark to the light filtering from the bathroom. Once again, I stood and wiped in moral support. Once again, I tucked her into bed. Once again I laid my head on the pillow. Not sure how many times... but seconds later the alarm clock makes it's presence known. UGH!!!
With tired eyes...shoot! with tired EVERYTHING, I hurriedly got dressed and ready for work. And I had to bust a move, for I honestly slapped my clock a half dozen times before I could manage to swing my feet to the floor. I'm surprised that I didn't kill the thing. Can anything be more annoying than an alarm clock in the early morning?!!! And then when I couldn't get the thing turned off due to the sticky Koolaid residue... well let us just say, the clock should be counting it's blessings right now, thankful to be still alive and ticking!!!
I then went to work. Everyone was cranky! Everyone is fighting getting sick. I literally got thrown up on twice. I don't get paid enough to be thrown up on by someone elses child...I could have been at home today and done it for free!!! I told my coworker to spray me down with Lysol. I may one day contract something from inhaling so much Lysol. But at least I can say I am technically germ free. I also had to change a poopy diaper that was anything thing but solid. You know the kind that leaks out the side of the diaper and gets EVERYWHERE?!!! Yep! It was one of those days!!!
But then, the most amazing thing happened. I went home for lunch, after stopping by the store for soup, crackers and Gatorade for my baby doll. Upon entering the house, I realized that something had transpired while I was away. The hubby had borrowed my "Super Mom" cape. While I was away at work, he had not only taken care of our sick one (he was a sweetheart for staying home from work this morning to keep an eye on her), but he was inspired to clean my kitchen, and do some laundry.
Hello? You guys still there? I know you must all be sitting silent in total shock. I mean, I am one blessed gal, and I know it, but it would have been so easy for this daddy to rest a little more in his big, comfy, recliner this morning, saying the "cape" just wasn't his size at all. Kudos to the Kev!!! I can't begin to tell you how giddy I was... Of course he still owed me for saving him last night from a lifetime of embarrassment and my hubby doesn't embarrass easy. I'm still giggling over the splitting pants... Hee! Hee! Hee!
Anyway, the baby girl is on the mend. She finally made her way out of bed an hour ago and is chugging away on some orange Gatorade and downing a few saltines. She received a phone call from a friend a few minutes ago, and there was laughter, so maybe things are looking up...
So, since my kitchen is already clean, and I only got a precious very few hours of sleep last night, I think I will let the cape rest. I could spend the night debating on how I could get the hubby to borrow and use it's super powers more often. But, I think I will just blissfully enjoy the moment.
Although I think the cape looks mighty fine on him. Mighty fine indeed... :)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Well, friend, I am so glad you asked...NOTHING.
I spent the weekend either sick or resting. Thanking the Lord that I am better today.
I got my hair done Saturday. Same old style, just a darker shade. Still not use to the darker highlights next to my face. Hmm...
Went to work today, "crying" seemed to be the order of the day. But God was good, for I, believe it or not had lots of patience today. Scary. I wonder what He is gearing me up for.
Our church called an interim pastor, which is great. Takes some of the extra pressure off the hubby. Now our church can start looking for the pastor God has for us.
One of the girls in our youth group, who graduated last year, found out she is pregnant. My heart breaks for her and the hard journey that lays ahead. But, I am going to love on her constantly and remind her that she is not alone. Other than that I feel helpless. Like a second mom, who somehow failed a little in her counsel of this young one. Lord, wrap this child of your in your arms today, for she is so very scared and mad at herself right now.
My daughter and I went to the flea markets in town after I got off work. Love browsing the aisle, looking through other peoples trash and discards and finding treasures. I'm picky in what I buy, but I love pieces that have character, tell a story of their history and just make me smile. My house is not matchy matchy. I surround myself with things that I like and somehow they just go together. The older the piece, the better, I say. Except for the couches and chairs. I really could use a new couch...
Kayla on our little shopping spree, found a booth with jewelry that was all marked a dollar. The girl went wild. As I have said before, she is quirky in her fashion sense, but somehow it all seems to flow.
The guys are at Upward, our basketball program at church. Jordan is loving it. I think anytime you can mix learning scripture with a sport your child loves, then it is GREAT.
Since the guys are gone and it is "fend for yourself" for dinner, night at our house, I think I will go put the pj's on, curl up in the big chair, with a big bowl of cereal and watch my shows. Yep, I must admit my weakness, but the Bachelor has me hooked this year. This guy means business, he keeps sending the girls home, left and right and that fascinates me. So, Monday I'm hooked.
Oops! Kev just called. I have to be "Super wife" and go rescue him. I think he said he needs me to bring him some clothes...something about splitting his pants. Hee! Hee! that happened to me just the other day. My favorite jeans. You know the ones that you have had forever and a day, they are so very soft and have holes at all the right places? Yep! They finally said "bye! bye!" I miss them... Nothing like comfort clothes. Have I told you about...
Oh, almost forgot! Sorry honey, just chatting with my friends... Super wife to the rescue...
Now what did I do with my cape?