Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Peace giving...

I have been dealing with some uncomfortable situations lately. You know the kind where you are left feeling a little helpless, often speechless and questioning God's timing? Yeah, it has been a crazy few weeks...

Anyway, I went to youth group tonight. I had my pen ready, my Bible open and I was open to the possibilities of what God was going to tell me. I have to be honest, I started doodling a little about ten minutes in. And then I started wondering what I would cook for dinner tomorrow, or whether the kids would have soccer because it keeps raining and...

then I heard my hubby say this:

"Satan wants us to fear over the future, be angry over the present and have guilt over the past."

What?! All of a sudden my ears and eyes were open. My mouth was probably hanging wide open too, for I had just been slapped silly into recognizing what "my problem" has been lately. And it stung a little.

Fear? Yeah, I kind of think it and "worry" battle over being my middle name. Anger? Yeah, I've had a lot of that going on lately. Guilt? Will those crazy feelings of helplessness ever really go away?

Then I heard the second part of the message:

"But Jesus Christ only wants PEACE."

Again the power of the message of those few lines, had the ability to knock me senseless...or wait! Actually I think they knocked some "sense" into me.

Thank you, Lord. I know I am a continuing work in progress. I know there are days when I can't seem to let go of past mistakes and hang on to regrets. I know there are days when I just want to complain and sulk over unhappy present situations. I know there is great fear and worry that often hold me back on a daily basis from being the best I can be... But thankfully I know YOU are the PRINCE OF PEACE. You have peace gift wrapped and sealed with a bow. I just have to accept it...daily.

(Jesus said) "I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid." John 14:27 (NLT)

Here's hoping you allow Christ to bring a little peace into your day!


He & Me + 3 said...

I worry too much, but it sure feels good to have that PEACE in those times of worry.

Amber said...

Love you.

We're way overdue for a talk.

Andrea said...

Thank you for sharing. I, too struggle with worry sometimes. I keep reminding myself that if I am worrying that I have taken it back from GOD....not good! I am still a work in progress....
Blessings, andrea

Kristin said...

What a powerful, and true, message! I love it when the Lord speaks to us like that!

E @ Scottsville said...

Well, praise God that even while doodling your ears were open and alert. =0)

What a great message!

Heart2Heart said...


We just need to remember to relax more in the peace that God brings and let it was over us and make us new again.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Jim said...

Thanks for the message - I have been writing on my novel, and interestingly enough, the characters began discussing the very issues that you have brought again to mind. What an affirmation! God is GOOD! REALLY!
What we think is just a coincidence is His plan being carried out. One touches another who touches another who touches another, etc. etc. etc.

Thanks for being the one to touch me.

Love you,

really.truly said...

Oh thanks girlfriend!! It's been a day that I'd like to rewind....the Lord has been leading me to different posts with similar messages. It's a very cool thing. Your post was definitely something I needed to read today!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mich,

So true, and how easily we let peace slip away; I have been thinking a lot lately of … Psalm 119:165
Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

How true it is that if we truly love God’s law, we have peace with the situations around us. May God help us all to daily look towards him.

Thanks for the inspiring post, Mich!

And to answer you questions…
I love choosing names…I think my mother did too, she loved having children and always said that we were her masterpieces. That was precious for me to hear while growing up.

The names? …Teresa, Tony, Marie, Monica, Clare, Rita, Judy, Tom, Faith, Hope, Charity, Joy, Melody, Stephanie, “Joseph…as you can see here, I am number 10…hey…what do you know…I’M A 10!


elaine @ peace for the journey said...

My blog verse...

You know I'm all about the peace... God's Peace. Perhaps, because, I've known so little of it over the years. But as I have learned to press into Jesus and pray about everything, I've found a measure of peace I've never known.

Rest in Jesus this weekend and cast all your cares at his feet. He isn't rushed in the least, nor does he have a big agenda for you. Just be with him, and see where he takes you.


momstheword said...

Oh, tell your hubby he has blessed me so much with that quote, I loved it and your post!

My friend was eating dinner with her son one night and they were eating peas and her little son said "Jesus is the Prince of peas!"

I guess he thought peace and peas were the same, lol!

Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

Such a good post! I've been dealing with a few things that are friend related lately and I KNOW I just need to leave it with the Lord. He wants peace for not only the situation but for me as well!