"The Lord my God is mighty to save. He will take great delight in me, He will quiet me with his love..." Zephaniah 3:17
Aren't they cute?!
Thanks for setting a great example of following Christ.
Thank you for showing me what a marriage should look like and for loving my mom the way you do.
Thank you for being a wonderful "Poohpa" to five precious youngsters.
Thanks for showing me that tears on a man are not a sign of weakness, but of great strength.
Thanks for reminding me that there is always a funny side to life and for bringing smiles wherever you go.
Thanks for allowing me to witness first hand what kindness and friendliness, even to strangers is really all about.
Thanks for your willingness to always be there, to help in moments of need and for telling my sister and I daily how much you care.
Thank you for your "concern."
Thanks for all the adventures around the world and the memories that go with them.
Thank you for never being afraid to say the words "I love you."
Whether you are called Dad, Poohpa, Jim-Dad, father or friend. I appreciate you and love you very much!
Happy Father's Day!
I thought I would include a picture. Unfortunately, I can't say I remember this moment, but I can say God knew what He was doing and I was one blessed little girl...I still am.
ME and MY DADDY - 1970
Kevin becomes a daddy (1996)
Kevin's first Father's Day! (1997)
Aren't they cute! (Christmas 1997)
Jordan (1998)
Easter (with Jordan in 1999)
My men! (2001)
Jordan loved trains. (2003)
With his ballerina. (2006)
December (2008)
Is Christie Brinkley really 55 years old? She is like over 15 years older than me!!! And she looks like that?!!! Don't even try to tell me about the airbrush think, 'cause I'm thinking if you take the airbrush stuff away she is still looking great for 55! Yep! I had to ask for forgiveness in my heart as I left the Walmart parking lot. The green envy monster had visited me for a moment. I had to send him packing real fast too, 'cause feeling like I was already feeling... I might have had to make a u-turn and go back to the doc for something for depression. I wasn't feeling the love at that moment...
Then I read the other headline on the magazine. Do you see it? The one that says "How to make peace with your flaws." I'm laughing. Very funny. I have to hand it to the magazine people. They know how to grab a person whose heart hit the floor in self pity after looking at our friend Christie. I can hear them now..."Let's put in a self help page to help all those sad people who feel yucky about themselves because they are sick and just saw a picture of the GORGEOUS model on the cover. Then add another story on how to make your skin look younger and how to have your best body at any age and some sad chick is going to fall for it all and buy the magazine."
Hello. My name is SAD CHICK.
Yep. Weak moment. I paid $2.49 so I can look at Christie Brinkley's picture and boost my self esteem daily. Did I tell you I was sick? Clearly not thinking straight. As for the "flaws" article...I will have to get back to you on that one. Maybe one of these days I'll read it for a good laugh.
I guess in the meantime I will try to hold on to Proverbs 31:30.
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord, is to be praised."
Enough said.
I told you I got wet. Two of my family group kids came and poured water on me. It actually made me feel good to realize that they had gotten to know me well enough to feel comfortable doing that.
I took this picture the last night of camp. During church group time after the worship service, Thursday night, we had a unique prayer time. My hubby asked all the 7th-9th grade to sit in chairs in a circle and then he asked the senior high to go around the circle praying for each student as they went. It was beautiful. Some whispered prayers in a young friend's ear. Some hugged and whispered words of encouragement, while some just laid their hands on each one, sending a blessing their way. There were smiles, plenty of tears and lots of hugs. It was a very meaningful moment. When they were finished, he asked the senior high students to sit in the chairs and let the younger students have the honor to pray for their role models. I was blessed. Watching 50 kids praying for each other by name... words can't describe the spirit of that room. When it was all over, four friends huddled (above) in encouragement. I love this picture and all it stands for.
I will leave you with one last thought... it is from the lesson I had to teach on Wednesday.
"Discipleship is learning to live by dying. Followers of Christ are not called to deny themselves of something, but to deny themselves. God's will replaces their wills; life gets rearranged so that God is not only a priority, HE IS EVERYTHING!"
Have a great week!
The cake that a friend made for me. Pretty cool,?
Kevin and I. My hair started out big, but this picture was taken towards the end of the night and I can't make myself use a whole can of hairspray like I use to. Oh, well. Amb I had to wear the Dirty Dancing shirt because the Air Supply one didn't fit.
Kev with a few of our 80's girls. He looks like he is about to kill the cake...
Overall it was a great night. I am bone weary tired from being on my feet all day, but it was totally worth it. Second to kids learning about Jesus, parties like tonight is what makes student ministry a joy.
I am blessed...